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Full video production

Video Production

Why is corporate video production important?

With corporate video productions and viewership on the rise, more business executives are starting to consider videos as a necessity in their marketing plan, and their day to day operations. A lot goes into these video productions and they can take a variety of shapes, so here’s a little more about how we tackle them.

What is the business video production process?

Video production typically flows in a step-by-step process:

Pre-production: Developing a budget, brainstorming a concept, and finally writing a script (or script outline). If a voiceover is required, it is often recorded before jumping into production.

Production: Once a style is determined, a storyboard is created to layout the scene by scene actions. From there, the process is determined by the style.

Live Action: Production for live action videos typically include setting a shoot location, hiring talent (if needed), and filming with a professional camera & lighting crew.

Post-production: Once the corporate video is produced, the post-production phase includes any editing required, adding the finishing touches such as additional on-screen graphics, and sound design.

 Live Action Business Video Production

Live action video is great for businesses who have a tangible product that they want to share with the world. As opposed to the testimonial video style, live action corporate videos often tell a fictional story, or demonstrate a common scenario surrounding a product.

 Corporate Communications Video Production

Your corporation is full of people. Those individuals could be spread out across multiple floors, cities, or countries. That’s why we’ve recently seen a rise in internal communications videos as it pertains to our corporate video productions. These are productions produced with the intent to only be seen by employees or contractors of your business, to get everyone on the same page quickly.

Company Story Videos and Documentary

What are company story videos and why use them?

A company story video (a.k.a about us video or mission video) tells the story of your company and values. They can be a great tool for connecting with customers, sharing your passion, and humanizing your brand. Company story videos often feature team members talking testimonial-style about what they do and why they do it, to full lengh documentary film.

Commercial Video Production

A video advertisement, like those you see on TV or the internet, is a short (60 seconds or less, but ideally 30 seconds) branding-oriented video that promotes your company, product or service. A commercial video is inherently high level and should not dive into the details of what you do and how you do it, like an explainer video would.